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Together we will find solutions

We’re here

You are
not alone.

You have trouble talking to your family or friends. You don’t want to feel judged or feel that they are worried about you. You are not alone. You can talk or write to us confidentially at any time, and it’s free.

1 866 277-3553 535353

Whoever you are, whatever your reasons for seeking help, we will take the necessary time to talk and help you!


33,707 people sought help at the Montreal SPC last year.

We know it’s difficult… We can help you.

You are not alone. 33,707 people sought help at the Montreal SPC last year. 

It’s not always easy to ask for help and it can be painful to talk about what’s troubling you, but asking for help is the first step to feeling better.

Our responders are trained to work with you as a team, to help you find solutions and to listen.

Our goal is to explore with you the difficulties you are experiencing and to consider all  options.

Contact us

1 866 277-3553 535353

People who have been where you are

There are solutions

Our Resources

For a strong safety net

The Montreal SPC has connections with many  organizations that could be useful to support and accompany you. For example, there are resources to support teens, seniors, women, people experiencing homelessness, people seeking help with their gender identity, etc.