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Donate to the Suicide Prevention Centre of Montreal

Because together
we can prevent suicide

Become an
agent of change

By becoming a donor to the SPCM, you are making a real difference in saving lives! You are helping us respond to the increase in distress in the Montreal community and helping us respond to the 40% increase in requests for services.

Become an agent of change and help reduce the number of suicides in Montreal.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for working with us to increase our impact, to break down the taboos surrounding suicide and specially to develop our suicide prevention services in Montreal.

Since its creation in 1983,
the SPCM has had
the following impact:

24/7Services available 24/7
359,160hours of intervention
122,430people trained
4,065trained volunteers
Our donor community

The engaged community
of the SPCM

The SPC of Montreal organizes annual events for donors. It is a valued community that organizes citizen initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of suicide prevention services and acts as spokespersons for our mission.

This community also allows us to develop our services to help us save lives every day.

Contributing to our mission in other ways

Organize a
fundraising event

You wish to organize a fundraising event for the Montreal SPC? We are here to help you.