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Best Practices
in Suicide Intervention

Intervention training for mental health professionals working with First Nations

This training session is part of a FNQLHSSC initiative to improve suicide prevention practices among First Nations.
This approach aims to put in place structured actions that respond to the realities of First Nations communities and are based on proven practices. It is inspired by the Quebec approach to improving suicide prevention practices.

Who is this training for?

The training is intended for practitioners who are mandated to carry out a comprehensive suicide prevention intervention.

This training is based on an analysis of the particularities of suicide among First Nations and a review of adapted practices drawn from the experience of players in the field;
Is accompanied by a mobilization workshop in each community. This workshop enables us to work with key players in suicide prevention (e.g., health centers, police officers, schools, etc.) to identify the strategies best suited to fostering the adoption and implementation of best practices.
Promotes knowledge gained from research and experience in suicide prevention;
Proposes various effective teaching strategies to foster skills development (role-playing, case studies, group discussions, etc.).

Training goals

At the end of this training, the participant will be able to direct and orient an intervention with a person having suicidal ideation, and will learn the best practices according to the situation, the clientele and the level of dangerousness.

Duration: 21 hours

Prerequisite: None

Targeted competencies

Intervene with the First Nations suicidal person using best practices
Competencies developed by the participant :

This training enables you to carry out a complete individual intervention with a suicidal person aged 14 or over. This training does not cover intervention with suicidal children. Nor does it cover individual or group postvention following a suicide in the community.

Possible variations

This training has been adapted for several clienteles. A discussion with a member of our training team will allow you to determine the most suitable variation for your team:

  • First Nations

Terms and conditions

  • This training is offered to participants from the same organization in a closed group. 
  • The number of participants per group :
    • In person, minimum of 6 and maximum of 12 
  • It is also possible to register as an individual participant and join one of our open groups offered several times a year.
  • A certificate of training is issued upon completion of the entire course.


Our rates vary depending on the type of organization and the type of group.

On-site group training

  • Price : 4635$
  • Preferential pricing for community groups : 2955$

Videoconference group training

  • Price : 4440$
  • Preferential pricing for community groups : 2760$

Rates are indicative and subject to change.

Due to our status as a non-profit organization , all of our prices are tax-exempt.